Texas Summit is January 16-17, 2014 and the OKLA…event is January 23-24, 2015

Held in the Chains of the Illusion of Perfectionism!

Written by roxanne. Posted in Blog

Oh my goodness! You would NEVER have gotten me to admit that I attempt perfectionism in any way. I totally realize that I am so far from any realm of perfection. But, in some areas of my life, my behavior screams a different story. I have come to realize that there are some things that I don’t attempt to do (like writing in this blog) because I think that “what I have to say ” or “however I might look (on video)” …is not enough! What!?!?!?! This thinking has been the very thing that has totally kept me shut down from blogging about the Winter Summit Ministries (a ministry  to encourage and build up homeschool moms). I KNOW God has called me. My perfectionistic ideas limit me. I serve a limitless God. Our enemy is so tricky. He likes to catch us where we are weak or maybe in an area that we just THINK we are weak. I have to remember that I serve a God that is strong in my weakness. I need to boldly scream out my mission call to encourage instead of doubt my ability to express it digitally. If we were having a cup of coffee together it would be simple for me to encourage you, love you or cry with you. But blogging my thoughts has been very difficult. However, it is a task that I intend to continue to do…….on the off chance that there is someone out there like me that can relate. Step beyond the illusion! Do your best at something! It may be the perfect answer to someones question.