Oklahoma event January 17-18, 2014 and Texas event January 24-25, 2014

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Written by roxanne. Posted in Blog


Oh my goodness! It was so fun to see many of you last night at the OKC Expo in the UCO ballroom. More importantly, it was fun to hug your necks! You know…I was so very clearly reminded of the importance of a loving community, like-minded people that gather together for a common cause. Our cause is to homeschool our children, which is no easy task. Many of you testified of just how much the Winter Summit had blest you in the past and about your eagerness to return. It reminded me of all those times where I have been so thirsty for an answer to some  life question and just how deeply satisfied I became when that “thirst” was quenched with life-giving truth. There is a peace that comes to a homeschooler when she is poured into by those that have gone before her. They have traveled the pathway before. They know where the bumps in the road are. They know where to get that giant and satisfying drink of water. They know where the “well” is. Please come join us at the 2014 Winter Summit events to get your drink of DEEP ENCOURAGEMENT from the veterans and those in the trenches with you. No man is an island. We were not meant to do LIFE alone. Come let us RENEW you vision, REFRESH your heart and RESTORE you strength. You will need this beautiful retreat by the time January comes. Sign up now and get “early-bird” pricing! www.homeschoolwintersummit.com 

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Held in the Chains of the Illusion of Perfectionism!

Written by roxanne. Posted in Blog

Oh my goodness! You would NEVER have gotten me to admit that I attempt perfectionism in any way. I totally realize that I am so far from any realm of perfection. But, in some areas of my life, my behavior screams a different story. I have come to realize that there are some things that I don’t attempt to do (like writing in this blog) because I think that “what I have to say ” or “however I might look (on video)” …is not enough! What!?!?!?! This thinking has been the very thing that has totally kept me shut down from blogging about the Winter Summit Ministries (a ministry  to encourage and build up homeschool moms). I KNOW God has called me. My perfectionistic ideas limit me. I serve a limitless God. Our enemy is so tricky. He likes to catch us where we are weak or maybe in an area that we just THINK we are weak. I have to remember that I serve a God that is strong in my weakness. I need to boldly scream out my mission call to encourage instead of doubt my ability to express it digitally. If we were having a cup of coffee together it would be simple for me to encourage you, love you or cry with you. But blogging my thoughts has been very difficult. However, it is a task that I intend to continue to do…….on the off chance that there is someone out there like me that can relate. Step beyond the illusion! Do your best at something! It may be the perfect answer to someones question.

Every Day in Every Way!

Written by roxanne. Posted in Blog

Years ago I read Og Mandino’s book titled “The Twelfth Angel”. That book has forever affected me with the quote “Everyday in everyday I am getting better and better”. If you have known me for very long you would likely have heard this from me several times. Two things jump out of that comment. First it gives one the freedom of knowing that they are not going to get it right all the time, maybe not even a lot of the time. This sets us in a beautifully humble place. Doing our best but knowing maybe there is better. It is OKAY to make mistakes. The very best thing about a mistake is that you get a chance to learn from it. I love being a life long learner! The second thing this statement yells out is that we have the hope of getting better and better. We are HIS masterpieces and He is not finished with us. We are all a work in progress. Knowing that we are still growing encourages us to give others the freedom to fail, learn and grow as well. I can always be excited about tomorrow for it is a new day. His mercies are new every morning. I am getting better and better! Join me!

Prayer, Praise and worship truly transform!

Written by roxanne. Posted in Blog

All three of my sons have now been able to serve in other countries on extended mission trips. The last stint involved a 6 month experience where they spent about 3-5 hours each day in prayer, the Word and worship. Now that the last 2 are finally home, I see them just hunger for an “eternal other worldliness” that is so very attractive. It is not a hunger that can be satisfied by anything in this world. This hunger shows up in radical worship, fellowship and service. I barely recognize these sons as God has done a transforming work in their lives. I want more transformation. I want more of HIM alone. Maybe if I would spend EXTENDED time in His presence on a daily basis, I could start to satisfy and quench some more of my thirsty soul. I love that I live hungry. I love that I will be eternally satisfied one day.

Hidden Under a Bushel

Written by roxanne. Posted in Blog

Recently I have been become keenly aware that I have this part of me that doesn’t want to do something if I can’t do it well (or to the standard of perfection established in my own silly mind).  What I am learning is that this often shuts me down from progressing toward some goal or dream.  I have to get over myself and my perfectionistic tendencies to move forward and quite making excuse why I just can’t take a small step forward in some are. I am never going to be smart enough, pretty enough, skilled enough if I keep thinking so. Ridiculous! I just need to jump in and start learning and give it my best shot! Little steps taken slowly can get me there vs taking no steps at all waiting on the perfect moment or behavior!

Expanded Territory!

Written by roxanne. Posted in Blog

After praying several years for the sweet Lord to “expand the territory” of the Homeschool Moms’ Winter Summit, we are pleased to announce a TEXAS Winter Summit to be held at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center in San Marcos. Plan to join us in OKLA on Jan 17-18, 2014 or in TEXAS on Jan 24-25. It will be unlike any other homeschool event that you have attended. It will “Renew Your Heart, Restore Your Vision and Refresh Your Strength” as it is a deep, precious and genuine time of encouragement.

The Power of Accountability

Written by roxanne. Posted in Blog

Today a friend challenge me to do a few things that I have always wanted to do anyway. Just the suggestion of his accountability inspired me to believe again.

He said, “You need to just suck it up and do it. Do you want your dream to happen or not? If you don’t want it to come true, then by all means, don’t do the work.”

I haven’t been doing the work! :)

Failing is one thing, but it really bothers me to considering failing at a dream that I believe was given by God to fulfill my purpose.

Personal Retreats

Written by roxanne. Posted in Blog

Hey friends! I am in Houston on a 12 day “personal retreat”. Why haven’t I done this years ago? Most likely because I was raising and homeschooling 4 children. I just wanted to encourage you that in whatever season you find yourself..take time to retreat! Do this for yourself and for those you love. For some of you that are so busy with little ones… the “retreat” may not last 12 days or even 12 hours but I know that you can sneak away and insist on 12 minutes! Haha! One of the greatest thing that a mom can do for her family is to keep herself ENCOURAGED in her calling. This is not just time for you – but time for those you “pour into”. Take note! Take a retreat!