Texas event is January 16-17, 2015 and the Oklahoma event is January 23-24, 2015

Erin Blaine

2014 Spkr Blain pic[1]Erin Blain and her husband, Terry, began their 26 year homeschooling journey in 1987 and have happily graduated all 6 of their children. Three have graduated from college; two with Master’s Degrees and are working in Oklahoma or overseas, while the youngest two are still attending ORU. A support group leader and high school Co-op teacher of 100+ families for 10 years, Erin used to speak often at Conventions and Support groups. Now a ACPI Certified Parenting Coach and Consultant, she shares her heart by connecting parents and professionals with tools to resolve learning glitches and behavior challenges through her company Solving Parenting Puzzles, LLC. Her greatest joy, however, is in gathering her own children and their families together under one roof as often as possible!


“Learning Styles: Unlocking Your Child’s Learning Potential”

Ever wonder why the same lesson can be clearly understood by one child in your household, but not the other?  With such an obvious disconnect, the focal point often becomes the child’s inabilities or your lack of expertise.  But what if there was another reason this child isn’t “getting it?” The key to learning potential is actually not how smart your child is, but rather how your child IS smart! Come find out the latest research on learning styles and discover some practical tools to help all your children successfully master subjects you never thought possible. 

“How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk”

Parenting is one of the toughest things we do. The pressures of everyday life leave us thinking that we could do a better job if we had more time, were less tired and stressed, or simply knew where to begin. Even worse, our culture seems to erode our relationship with our children, wooing them away. But there are parents who seem to raise kids quite successfully without a lot of drama! These parents have a secret. They talk to their children differently and their children share their hearts in return.  Equipped with a shift in perspective and new communication tools your family dynamics can switch gears too!