Oklahoma event January 17-18, 2014 and Texas event January 24-25, 2014

Connie Hughes

Connie HughesConnie is a former public school teacher turned homeschool mom of 8 children. She has been married to the same hunka hunka burnin’ love for over 27 years. She lives in the country with her family and 27 chickens, 8 rabbits, 4 goats, 4 ducks, 2 cats, a poodle, and a hamster. She strives to live a joy-filled life in the rowdiest home on her road. That is, she strives for the joy-filled part. The rowdy part requires no striving whatsoever. 

Connie writes daily at SmockityFrocks.com on every subject from serving a risen Savior to serving mashed potatoes and gravy. She has published 2 ebooks, “Homeschool Tips From a Homeschool Veteran” and “4 Moms of 35+ Kids Answer Your Parenting Questions“. She hopes to one day soon publish the books she has written in her head at her kitchen sink.