Oklahoma event January 17-18, 2014 and Texas event January 24-25, 2014

Sheri Yates

2010 Yates PicSheri is a spontaneous, chocolate and soda-loving, ponytail-wearing, crazy homeschooling mom of 3 that loves to have fun, but is serious about her God! She speaks openly about overcoming a long-term identity crisis caused from sexual abuse. She knows, first hand, the transforming power of Christ. Her passion is for you to know Him deeply and intimately.  Sheri works with iKan Ministries to encourage and equip the body of Christ to live an abundant life and in turn be a light in this world.  She has co-authored SOAR – a bootcamp to knowing God Bible study; hosts a worship and prayer room, Avodah, in Edmond where we can encounter God together; and her family created the game “Truth or Trash” – a free iPhone app and card game used around the world.